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2025-01-11 | The Spectator
How the Palestinians can end the conflict with Israel
Author: Casey Babb

2024-11-23 | The Hill
The war on terror is coming home
Author: Casey Babb

2024-11-15 | The National Post
Israel's war may soon end. Ours is just beginning
Author: Casey Babb

2024-10-11 | The Hill
The modern intellectual diktat for Jewish authors
Author: Bruce Hoffman and Casey Babb

2024-10-10 | The National Post
As Oct. 7 victims sue Samidoun, Canada continues to provide it shelter
Author: Casey Babb and Sheryl Saperia

2024-10-01 | Newsweek
Canada's Jihadi Crisis Should Worry America
Author: Casey Babb

2024-09-16 | The National Post
Hey, teachers, don't leave those kids alone
Author: Casey Babb

2024-08-15 | The Globe and Mail
School boards shouldn’t rush into adopting anti-Palestinian racism strategies
Author: Casey Babb

2024-06-12 | The National Post
It's false to suggest Israel's rescue op was a 'massacre'
Author: Casey Babb

2024-05-29 | The National Post
If Canada truly cared about peace, it would support Israel's Rafah operation
Author: Casey Babb

2024-05-17 | The Times of Israel
Stop Weaponizing Zionism
Author: Casey Babb

2024-05-04 | The Toronto Sun
Jewish professor horrified by anti-Semitism on university campuses
Author: Casey Babb

2024-04-17 | The Hub
Iran’s Intentions Have Been Known for Decades. Why Haven’t We Listened?
Author: Casey Babb

2024-04-15 |  The Times of Israel
Hamas has a secret weapon no one talks about: Western stupidity
Author: Casey Babb

2024-03-XX | Canadian Global Affairs Institute
A Match Made in Heaven: China-Russia Tech Co-operation and Canada’s National Security
Author: Casey Babb

2024-03-19 | Macdonald-Laurier Institute (MLI)
The West needs a strategy for a Middle East in flames: Casey Babb for Inside Policy
Author: Casey Babb

2024-02-28 | Macdonald-Laurier Institute (MLI)
Now isn’t the time to push for Palestinian statehood and a two-state solution: Casey Babb for Inside Policy
Author: Casey Babb

2024-02-07 | Macdonald-Laurier Institute (MLI)
It’s time to end UNRWA: Casey Babb for Inside Policy
Author: Casey Babb 

2023-12-20 | The Globe and Mail
Antisemitism should be treated as a significant threat to national security
Author: Casey Babb 

2023-05-10 | The Globe and Mail
Amid the Diplomatic Row, China’s Economic Leverage Over Canada is Greatly Exagerated
Author: Casey Babb

2023-05-05 | The Globe and Mail
On Economic Reliance on China, Canada Cannot Make the Same Mistake as Europe did Russia
Author: Casey Babb

2023-02-23 | The National Interest
For Xi Jinping, Cyber is Personal
Author: Casey Babb

2022-09-20 | The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS)
Proceed with Caution: Israeli Research Collaboration with China
Author: Casey Babb 

2022-08-24 | The Globe and Mail
The public service does not understand antisemitism
Author: Casey Babb 

2022-04-06 | 9DashLine
Bitcoin to Bombs: Illicit Money and the Preservation of Kim Jong-Un
Author: Casey Babb 

2021-12-XX | University of Calgary Press (Book) Stress Tested: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Canadian National Security

Exploiting Chaos: How Malicious Non-State Actors Leverage COVID-19 to their Advantage in Cyberspace
Authors: Casey Babb and Alex Wilner

2021-07-25 | Lawfare
Four Things to Consider on the Future of AI-enabled Deterrence
Authors: Alex Wilner, Casey Babb, Jessica Davis

2020-12-04 | Springer: Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2020
New Technologies and Deterrence: Artificial Intelligence and Adversarial Behaviour
Authors: Alex Wilner, Casey Babb

2020-04-21 | The Globe and Mail
An Extra Sombre Yom ha-Shoah as Anti-Semitism Spreads With the Coronavirus
Author: Casey Babb

2020-01-16 | International Journal
Passwords, pistols, and power plants: An assessment of physical and digital threats targeting Canada’s energy sector
Author: Casey Babb and Alex Wilner

2017-08-01 | The National Post
Canadian Tax Dollars Shouldn’t Subsidize Palestinian Terrorists
Author: Casey Babb 

Get in Touch

Contact Dr. Casey Babb to discuss opportunities for speaking engagements or media inquiries.